Sunday, December 16, 2007

I want this hat

We went and saw the Golden Compass yesterday. I'm not sure if it is a good idea or not to take a row of knitters to see a movie that has lots of knitware in it. We found several pieces that we want to add to our knitting collection. The one we all liked most was this one:

If anyone knows of a pattern like this PLEASE let me know. I really want to make this hat and have two daughters who want one. I'll even pay (nominally) for it (IOW I don't want to buy a whole book for one pattern.)

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Time for Reviews

The new Magknits and Knitty are up and it is time for my scathing reviews :)

Magknits first. Well, aside from Hannah, a cute chunky weight quick hat with a hole for a ponytail, and Vine, a pair of lacy fingerless gloves, I was not impressed with Magknits at all this month. Maybe it was the choice of colors or something. Rosy is a moebeous gart stitche scarf that just looked too much like a tourniquet than a scarf. Five Fruits is a basicl raglan sleeved jumper for a toddler which is cute, but probably something I would never have knit even when I had kids. Not sure why I don't like this sweater. Reasonably Hip is just unimaginative. Again it may be the color or it may be the stitch. It just turned me off. I would never ever ever in a million years knit anything that accentuated my breasts the way Excuses would. I don't care if it is written for up to a size 3X I am not putting anymore focus on my breasts than they create on their own. Fall Rainbow isn't bad. Not my colors and I'm not sure why this is listed as an advance technique. The yoke is interesting, but not difficult. It's one of those patterns where you don't question what you are doing, just follow the pattern and it will turn out in the end. I find very little knitting difficult though (except fixing $*)@#$*$)(# mistakes in lace!!)

On to Knitty! Ice Queen is just lovely! I actually have some yellow lace weight yarn like this in my stash. Although Yellow Ice Queen makes me think of that old addage about eating yellow snow!

Quant is just fun! I have some SWS that might knit this up quite nicely. I love enterlac and this would knit up quite quickly. Mary might even like to make this for herself. I think she is ready for the I-cord challnge :)

I LOVE Tams and Three tams is a nice collection. I love psuedo fair isle that uses variegated yarns to create the pattern. Although I might forgo the Noro Silk Garden in leiu of something more affordable!

Tudora is another tourniquet. If you haven't figured it out by now I can't stand anything scrunched around my neck. Must.... breathe....... It's lovely if you like suffocation.

Halcyon is cute and lacy. Not something I'd wear. Must not show Em's or it will be on my ever growing list of things that Gothgirl needs in her collection of black and red. Somehow I can see Gothgirl wearing lace, but not Gothgirl knitting lace.

Justify just isn't me. Not my colors or style. I would be tugging at it all day. And I'm really not into the babydoll shirt look of Dahlia either. It probably has everything to do with my body shape more than anything else. Same goes for Abotanicity Yet another sweater that would make me look continually pregnant.

While I like the complexity of Aoife I don't like the mix of the heavy cables and belled sleeves with the short bolero. It is unbalanced. It also doesn't look like the model was the right size for the jacket. It looks oversized on her like it was made for someone more my size, but they used the cute petite blonde to model it.

Stardust is cute, but not my style. I am SO making Laughing Carrots for Keon, though! He would get a kick out of it. Although I may make it out of a washable Wool-Ease rather than the recommended Alpaca. He's so hard on his clothes! I also like that it is a cardigan which will work well for my pumpkin headed son!

We'll do the gloves all at once. Gloves can be deceiving are an interesting pattern, but I don't care for the colors at all! Matrix are interesting, but aside from some colorwork, they do seem to be just Your Average Mitten.

I like Fair Isle Rapids. It is interesting with some nice texture and movement going on. Nice to see more men designers as well! And I definitely see Entangled in my future. I love bags and this one has character! Speaking of characterful bags, I think Square Cake is a fun little bag, too! Altough I think I am going to forgo the $38 a skein silk for something a tad more in my reach. While the pattern only calls for 1 skein, I think I can find a fair substitute at the same guage (4 st to inch on size 8 needles)

Socks, socks, socks, socks, socks! While this issue isn't as full of socks as past issues, the ones in this issue are simply lovely! The Lighthouse Gansey Socks are fun and I like how the heel isn't a traditional heel flap, but continues to rib pattern into the heel. Same goes for Azure with its faux cables. Both of these definitely made the list. I am also taken with the Toirneach kilt hosen even though I don't own a kilt. Of course I am not beyond making an outfit to go with my socks! (Suna, you'd do that, right?) Chevrolace are quite nice and I think this may be a nice pattern for my Marmalade hand dyed sock yarn. And Slippery Socks may be the very sock for my mom, although not in oranges.

I'm not sure if I like the hat or the kid, but Toasty Topper is quite cute. And to add to the collection of patterns I have no use for is Cables and Bits but one would need babies and dogs for these two patterns. I have neither (thank the gods!) I'm also not sure I would knit Sally, the eco fairy although she is darling and I like that she has a pair of dainty panties!

I really have more to do with my days than knit soccer balls. I doubt I would ever get around to knitting Doddy. Maybe if I was bored and had run out of projects. (I'll let you know when that happens! Bwahahahahahaha!!) Probably same story for Kitty. While cute, I've got too many other pressing projects to work on.

And last, but certainly no least of the projects is Jeanie It's patterns like this that make me wish I was a shawl person. It's pretty and dainty and yet interesting. I do worry about how much those carries woudl catch on my rings and fingers. I could see myself becomeing intwined in a shawl like this quite easily!

Well that is all for now. I'm not sure if there are going to be any Surprises from Knitty this season as there aren't any listed at the bottom like usually. I guess we will just have to wait and see. Now it's the wait for the next issue of The AntiCraft to come out.

Monday, November 26, 2007

I have a gift registry

And it isn't at KnitPicks or Yarn Market! Actually it is with Heifer International. I love the message that Heifer sends out. It's based on the old Chinese proverb "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." They provide animals to hungry people all around the world. With this they also teach the people how to raise the animals and feed them. The recipients are then required to give offspring from their animals to others in their community to keep the giving going. This program has helped millions of families around the world become self-sufficient and saved them from a life of hunger and malnutrition. So this year I decided that I don't really want a bunch of "stuff" that I don't really need. I have more needles, yarn, ink, paper, nibs, fabric and cookware than I really need (or will be able to use in the next year!) But someone else would easily be able to use a flock of geese or a bevy of bees or a sheep (or rabbit or goat or llama or alpaca!) So I set up a gift registry. Maybe my friends and family will decide to donate or maybe they will set up their own gift registries as well. So please consider "gifting me" by making a donation to Heifer through my gift registry. I'd be just tickled pink to have somoene donate a sheep or llama to someone in need. In fact I don't even care if you do it through my registry. I hope that you are motivated to look at Heifer and read what good works they are doing and consider making gifts to other people through Heifer. You can get to my registry by going to Knitncook's Registry

Monday, November 12, 2007

Silver's New Tutorial

My friend Silver from Knitting Help and Ravelry has a new Sock Tutorial on her website! If you have ever wanted to learn to knit socks or knit socks on circs, this is the place to go. Step by step instructions, pictures that are clear and easy to see what is happening and links to places to get help if you don't understand the instructions. She is so cool!

Monday, November 5, 2007

MagKnits November Review

Time for another review of a new issue of MagKnits. First there is Elodea a festive short sock. This is a nice effect with the two colors, but I'd prefer it in blues (of course) and the short row heel is worked over too many stitches for my foot. Would definitely have to take it down some to make them fit my skinny little heels right.

The Chevron Lace Beret reminds me of an ugly doily on your head. Maybe it is the pattern or color or something. It reminds me of something my grandmother would crochet. Probably won't be making one of these.

Fibonacci Cardigan is made using the Fibonacci sequence. Well, first we all know how much I am just bored to tears with stockinette stitch. Yawn! Make me do lace before making me do stockinette. And it truly isn't a true Fibanocci sequence. I've seen other Fibonacci sweaters that utilized this much better. The Fibonacci sequence should go 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13. Of course you can't do zero rows of something (well, you can but no one will see it!) And other sweaters do look more random when the Fibonacci sequence is then reversed so 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,8,5,3,2,1,1 and use at least 4 colors of yarn. It truly gives a more random look while still having a definite pattern. I like the colors used in this, but probably won't make my list of things to make.

Oh joy! more stockinette stitches! And in black. Can we get more exciting? (read tons of sarcasm here). Yep ditto on the stockinette stitch and while this is a flattering sweater on the young and/or thin body, I'd look like a sausage in a too small casing.

Now if I had a baby again (ain't happening folks, so don't get excited) I could really see me knitting up the Seaweed. It truly is cute and looks warm. Oh wait. I don't live in cold temperatures either. So if I ever had a baby again and lived back in Portland or some other cold clime I would definitely make this!

And then there is the Doh!-nut This is nice. Now if I could figure out someone who would wear it. I live with a bunch of "don't put anything too tight around my neck" people. Sigh. The few scarves I already have seem to be enough for our warmer weather. Doesn't get cold enough for long enough to invest in too many cold weather wear things.

We have to go back up to the review of the Seaweed to know that I would not be knitting a Hoodie Baby Blanket at least until I'm an auntie or grandma (uh, let's wait on the grandma part, shall we?) It's super cute and will probably bookmark this to print off at a later time. For someone else, of course.

Well, that's about all. LMK if you make any of them up and how they knit up for you.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

I'm IN!!!

Woo hoo!!! I got my invitation to Ravelry today!! It truly is a cool website. If you haven't signed up for an invite yet, do so NOW!

Friday, October 5, 2007

Winter Wonderfuland Swap 2007

AstonH is hosting the Winter Wonderland Swap for 2007 at
Knitting Help forums. I signed up because it is just so fun. It's a surprise color theme. We each had to say what our favorite color was (and least) and we will send our swap partners items in their color! I chose blues as my color. Yes; I know blue is vague, but I love just about every blue there is!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Well, should we be surprised?

You appear to be a Knitting Purist. You are an accomplished Knitter producing beautiful pieces with a classic feel. You sometimes lament losing half of your local yarn shop to garish novelty yarns. Perhaps you consider fun fur scarves the bane of knitting socieity and prefer to steer new knitters towards the wool andcotton blends. Some might call you a bit of an elitiest but you know that you 've been doing this craft long enough to respect the history behind it and honor it with a beautiful piece that can last a lifetime.

Take the quiz!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Answering Suna with a post

Because I can't do links as nicely in a comment.

Well, considering that this book was originally written in Scandinavian (of some sort) I figured I'd run into something weird. Now that I've got a few good repeats going I don't even look at the pattern anymore (I love cables for that) I just look down and go, "Oh this line has to cross over this one now." And I remember that *generally* with basic cables all knits are always knit on the front and all purls are always purled on the front (and likewise for the back). I'm planning on getting more of her books as I really like the styles. Many of theme seem like they would be flattering to my odd-shaped body, especially the sweaters that have little gores set into them for a bit of a flare (over my flaring hips!) I'm especially taken with the sweater on this page It's so full of texture and wouldn't make my hips feel too snug. However, I can't seem to find the pattern in any of her books. It seems currently only available through her Scandinavian kit for the sweater. But she does have other sweaters similar.

October Magknits review

Magknits' October issue is up. While I never like things on here quite as well as Knitty I do find things from time to time that I do like.

The Horshoe Cardigan is really cute and would be lovely in any dark color. It just has a few flaws for my body type (note that my body isn't flawed just the patter :D ) The neckline is far too low and the waistline is way too high. On the right body type it would be cute though.

I really think the Lasa Shawl Headband is really cute and may become a Yule gift for one of my girls. It's a simple enough lace pattern for a new knitter to bite her (or his) teeth on. I'm not sure I like the variegated yarn that is used on the edges, but I love the soft colors.

Bitty Boo is just SOOOO adorable. I have a feeling I will be making a few of these for my own Boo! I don't have any good "ghost white" wool though, so may have to go see what is cheap at JoAnn.

Burridge Lake Aran Afghan is, well, just another Aran afghan and I just hae no patience for afghan's. I get absolutely no joy out of making large projects like that. I'd get bored before I was finished even though I adore cables and bobbles. I can definitely see me using parts of this for other things though. Never turn down a good colleciton of Aran braids!

The Rainbow Socks have definitely made the "Must make list" only because 2 days ago I swore I would never knit with self patterning or self striped socks again because they are so boring and you just seem to knit round and round and round. Well, these socks need self-striping sock yarn or else the short rows don't make any sense at all. They are very cool indeed. Knitpicks may just be getting an order from me soon for some of their Felici yarn in Hummingbird or maybe Aurora. Although Firefighter is also pretty cute. Oh decisions decisions!

OK, so that was my review. Check it out.

Now for something totally different: I just got in the book Viking Patterns for Knitting by Elsebeth Lavold. Being a Viking means I had to have this cable-filled book. I'm having some problems with the chart and directions. They aren't your standard American knitting charts or instructions. So if you can tell me what the following mean, I'd appreciate it. My cables are just plain wonky!

Cross 2 knit stitches over 2 knit stitches, to right
Cross 2 knit stitches over 2 knit stitches, to left
Cross 2 knit stitches over 2 purl stitches, to right
Cross 2 knit stitches over 2 purl stitches, to left

Now I THINK that they mean:
Slip 2 st to cn hold to front, K2, K2 from cn
Slip 2 st to cn hold to back, k2, k2 from cn
Slip 2 st to cn hold to font, p2, k2 from cn
Slip 2 st to cn hold to back, k2, p2 from cn

But I think I've messed it up somewhere.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Ooooo, new yarn!!

My Swap partner from Knitting Help Forums package finally arrived today! Oh it is so yummy inside!! She sent some yummy Debbie Bliss Cotton Cashmere in brilliant pink, some lovely bright orange Berroco Cotton Twist and a ton of "little things" to help with keeping track of things. She also sent a pair of skull socks to the girls (who are now fighting over them) as well as some memory wire bracelets and a bookmark for The Boy. Here are the pics! Thanks Debbie aka doodknitwit!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Well, obviously I DO need stitch markers

So I was working on a pair of socks last night. The instructions read, "pattern is done twice on each needle or 6 times total" OK, simple enough. I don't need no stinkin' stitch markers to remind me that I need to do it twice. The first part of the pattern went off splendidly. Looked just like the picture. Weee! This is going SO well. So then I start the second part of the pattern. It just wasn't looking right. Hmmm? OK, don't fuss with it. Trust the pattern. It will probably take a few rows before the pattern immerges. No sweat. Keep on knitting. I finish the second part of the pattern. It does NOT look right. It doesn't look bad, just not right. Then the V-8 hand comes and slaps me upside the forehead! I forgot to repeat the pattern twice on each needle. I was incorporating it into one needle (which actualy worked and I may look into doing something like it in the future, but it wasn't THIS pattern.) And of course it is lace. And of course I left no life lines and really suck at inserting life lines despite watching the video at Knitting Help. So I frogged yet another thing. But now I have it all cast on, the first section restarted and there are stitch markers to remind me that I have to do the repeat twice.

So use stitch markers and life lines. One would think after knitting as long as I have that I would know better. Bwahahahahaha!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Pay it Forward Exchange

Becka at Knitting Help posted about the Pay it Forward Exchange for knitters. It's truly a cool concept. It feels a bit like a chain letter, but I'm hoping that people really do "pay it forward." This seems to be the verbiage that is being posted on the other knitting blogs:

It’s the Pay It Forward Exchange. It’s based of the concept of the movie “Pay it Forward” where acts or deeds of kindness are done without expecting something in return, just passing it on, with hope that the recipients of the acts of kindness are passed on. You all know I’m already a PIF type of person. So here’s how it works. I will make and send a handmade gift to the first 3 people who leave a comment to this post on my blog requesting to join this PIF exchange. I do not know what that gift will be yet, and it won’t be sent this month, probably not next month, but it will be sent (within 6 months) and that’s a promise! What YOU have to do in return, then, is pay it forward by making the same promise on your blog.

So post a reply if you want in and then go post a similar message on your blog! PAY IT FORWARD!

Frog Frog Frog Frog Frog

(No not reptilians. Any knitter who has knit more than 1 item should know that to frog something means to "rippit" out. I bought this very pretty Lion Brand wool a while back in the clearance bin at Michael's. Bought all they had as it is feltable and was $2 a ball. So I started knitting a bag to felt with it, but decided that it wasn't the right colors for a bag. FROG Out it came. Bleh! So then I found Silver's Palindrome Scarf which is very lovely and I've seen it done in both solid colors and in a wide variety of colorways. FROG Out that came too. TWICE! I didn't like the way the color was pooling, so pulled it out and added another set of cables to the width hoping it would A) make it a tad wider and B) get rid of the icky pooling. Nope. Didn't help. Actually made it worse.

I keep buying all this pretty yarn that I can't find the right patterns for. So it is going back in the stash for another day. I wish I could store my yarn like my friend Suna does, but because of this:

Uh, that would be Jack the demon possessed devil kitty, not Boo, the cute kid) My stash must be securely sequestered away in cat-proof plastic containers. I keep looking for extra opposable thumbs on this cat, but he is not a polydactyl cat despite his ability to even get yarn out of my knitting tote with the cinch closed top! Although that picture was taken over a year ago when Jack was still little and cute and adorable and forgivable because he was a kitten. He's no longer, well, he's no longer little, but he is still cute and adorable and I do forgive him.

Friday, September 14, 2007


This is a link to a cartoon that one of the KHer's dh's did. It's priceless. This is his first knitting cartoon. I hope he does more. I like his wit!


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Hmmm, I'm thinking about this

Cia from Knitting Help suggested this sock for the blue and green one:
It's from Knitty. It does look a lot like waves and the colors are very similar to what my yarn looks like. Although I'd still like something that is sort of "wavy" at the top rather than the typical ribbing.

In other knitting news, I was too anxious to get the blue/green yarn balled last night. I was going to go to my mother's house and use her spiffy ball winder, but it is still in her attic and it is still too hot to go into the attic to retrieve anything. I've been looking lately at Nostepinnes which look like:

I've been looking at increasing my medieval collection of "women's tools" and have (well had, it got sat on and broke) a drop spindle. And then found out about both niddy noddies and nostepinnes. However, despite seeing them online and knowing the theory I still didn't have one! BUT I did notice that the end of my plastic recorder had the same shape as the nostepinnes if I took the bell section off the bottom! So I thought I'd give it a try.

This is where having children comes in handy. Forced labor. I made Boo hold my yarn for me (lacking also a swift) and started wrapping the yarn. To use a nostepinnes you secure one end at the base and then wrap towards the middle (this will allow you to have a center pull ball, if that isn't important you can just start wrapping in the middle). You wrap in a diagonal direction towards you all the while turning the nostepinnes (or in this case the recorder) away from you. It took a bit of coordination to get it right, but I finally got the hang of it. It took around 40 minutes to wrap a 440 yard skein, but I think I could get faster as time goes on as there is a fair amount of coordination that needs to be learned as with any new task. After the yarn is wrapped you simply slide the ball off the end of the nostepinnes/recorder and use it. The center where the nostepinnes was sort of closes up a bit, but loose enough to be able to get your center pull going well.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

New Yarn

I just got in this LOVELY yarn from an etsy shop ( Handspun and Dyed Too). It is scrumptuously soft and squishy!! I'm having a hard time coming up with a pattern (socks) for each of them. I'm thinking something nautical or ocean-y for the blue/green and something lacy maybe for the pink/orange.

Doesn't it just scream cotton candy, sunset, fluffy clouds in front of the sun? It really needs something girly and sweet and lacy, right?

See why I'm thinking something oceany? My son thinks that it looks like seaweed in the ocean. It was the first thing he said when he saw it. I like that thought.

Leave a comment if you can think of a nice pattern. If I use one of your patterns I send you a set of row markers.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Close to home

IN case you don't get the paper like I don't, I present for you today's Close to Home cartoon. How many of us can relate to this?

Knitting Cartoon.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

One mitten down

And one more to go. Since I want to fall into the SSS (single sock syndrome) with socks (but I'm good and haven't done that except on the first sock I ever knit which was way too large and has become my "I don't feel good sock" since I can't wear two socks to bed even in the winter even when I'm sick) I'm persevering in casting on the second mitten. I'll post pics when I get both done. Most likely will have E either pose with them or pose M in the mittens. She is so photogenic and has a wonderful eye for photography.

Besides hanging out at Knitting Help's forums probably more than I should today, nothing new is happening in the knitting world for me. (And yes; for those of you who popped over from my SCA blog, I do have things ready for the event - well, mostly.)

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Pictures of past works

I've never been successful at blogging, but am trying to give it another go. I may end up getting good at it since I have three Learning Around the World our homeschooling blog; Melbrigda's Medieval Ramblings my SCA blog; and of course this one.

So now I finally got around to finding or taking pictures of my past works and getting them uploaded to this computer. Hope you enjoy.

This is one of the many cosplay gloves that I have made for the kids. This one is for a Yuffie from Kingdom Hearts costume from several years ago. I've made several for the kids' friends as well.

These are my beloved Caruso Socks from Knitty.

The self-designed comfy shrug that I made 2 winters ago. It's yummy soft and machine washable.

The Hermione Bobbles and Cable hats from Charmed Knits.

And the mathcing gloves which (as you can see) are still on the needles. Should finish this one tonight and then get the next one cast on.

This is
Coronet also at Knitty. I've done this hat in fuschia, blue and green as well for friends.

And the Animal Cracker Hats also from Charmed Knits. I also have a matching hat, but someone had to take the picture. The kids love their hats!

OK, if I find more I'll take pictures. It's funny walking around the house going, "Hmmm, what all have I knit that I haven't given away?"

Monday, August 13, 2007

The Hedgie

This was floating around on
Kintting Help's Forums a year or so ago. Must have been a year and a half because I'm wearing my fluffy yummy alpaca wrap (woven not knit) in the pics. It ended up being a gift for a little friend of mine who turned 3! Three is such a wonderfully magical age.

Here's another view of it on the floor:

Hopefully when I get the camera back from its trek to Atlanta I can take some pics of the Hermione Hat and mittens (still on the needles) and the Animal Cracker hats.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Help me find my yarn

Yes; I know two posts in one day. A bit obsessive. I mentioned earlier that I want to knit a tank top. I'm looking for the perfect yarn. So if you can think of a nice cotton or cotton blend (preferably with natural fibers) that is DK weight and not too terribly expensive and comes in a nice bright pink or orange color leave me a comment. If I choose the yarn you recommend I'll send you a little "candy" as a thanks!

Welcome to Knit Stuffs!

I call this knit stuffs because I'm always knititng "stuff." (But fortunately, for my friends, no stuffed toast). I especially love knitting socks, but find myself more of a Dobby sock knitter. I have to force myself to knit that second sock (yes; I know about knitting two socks at once on circulars, but love my dpn's too much and am too stubborn to change!) Right now I have on the needles Hermione's Cable and Bobbles mittens in forest green that match the Hermione's Cable and Bobble Hat which I made earlier. I also recently finished making 4 Animal Crackers hats. They are all from Charmed Knits by Alison Hansel. After I finish these mittens I really want to knit up a new felted bag and then to make a nice cotton tank top that I found at Knitty. I like Soleil, but am also looking for other tanks that fit a larger size. Perhaps I'll break down and purchase Big Girl Knits while it is still on sale at 40% off at Knitpicks.

For just a little eye candy, I'll post a pic of the first socks I knit: