Monday, November 26, 2007

I have a gift registry

And it isn't at KnitPicks or Yarn Market! Actually it is with Heifer International. I love the message that Heifer sends out. It's based on the old Chinese proverb "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." They provide animals to hungry people all around the world. With this they also teach the people how to raise the animals and feed them. The recipients are then required to give offspring from their animals to others in their community to keep the giving going. This program has helped millions of families around the world become self-sufficient and saved them from a life of hunger and malnutrition. So this year I decided that I don't really want a bunch of "stuff" that I don't really need. I have more needles, yarn, ink, paper, nibs, fabric and cookware than I really need (or will be able to use in the next year!) But someone else would easily be able to use a flock of geese or a bevy of bees or a sheep (or rabbit or goat or llama or alpaca!) So I set up a gift registry. Maybe my friends and family will decide to donate or maybe they will set up their own gift registries as well. So please consider "gifting me" by making a donation to Heifer through my gift registry. I'd be just tickled pink to have somoene donate a sheep or llama to someone in need. In fact I don't even care if you do it through my registry. I hope that you are motivated to look at Heifer and read what good works they are doing and consider making gifts to other people through Heifer. You can get to my registry by going to Knitncook's Registry

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