Thursday, March 5, 2009

Project Bags

So I decided that knitting on one pair of socks at a time wasn't good enough so now I have multiple pair of socks going at the same time. Problem 1. I have run out of knitting bags to hold individual projects. The problem is not that I have too many WIP's but that I have too few bags. (Actually, I will confess here that I really only have six "knitting bags" two of which are really purses that happen to hold knitting and one is the "community charity project bag" that gets taken to our local SnB. The rest of my bags are in various cars being used as reusable cloth shopping bags.) I have one bag that I carry most often, but when I do switch bags (in order to switch projects) I find that I am constantly having to also switch all my "stuff" with it. OK, "stuff" isn't a nice thing to call all those marvelous tools that you collect like small scissors, needle/gauge tools, stitch markers, measuring tapes, bobbins, etc. etc. etc. Now one could ponder the idea that maybe I need multiple notions bags for each purse, but that would totally defeat the purpose of screaming, "Where is my $*)# measuring tape!" really loudly in the bookstore. Now on to Problem 2. You open your knitting bag and it looks something like this:

(I kindly took the projects out of the bag for ease of seeing the mess.) Then Mion said to me, "Why don't you make smaller project bags?" DUH! Now why didn't I think of that? Oh yeah, because I'm 43 not 16 and have used up the majority of my gray matter for such useless things like remembering chocolate chip cookie recipes and how much olives are at three different stores. So Voila! I whip up some quick and easy project bags which look like this:

And like this when projects are in them:

And all organized with two balls of yarn on one long dpn complete with pattern:

Then Mion says, "These are really cool. You should put an applick on them and sell them on Etsy." An applick? What the heck was an applick? Seems as though someone forgot to notice the accent mark over the e in the word appliqué. So I thought about her Etsy idea and maybe putting an applick on them. I mean maybe everyone will want one of my little project bags and I could actually afford to go to Sock Summit.

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